
Archive for November 13th, 2011

The professors need in addition to select the net’s places that they fit up, to the needs of students to expand their extra activities classroom, to motivate them for its permanent use, monitoring of their advances and debugging it, an important thing; To prepare them in order that they work by themselves. When we achieve that students do a good use of technology in this case of the Web to expand an independent learning of classrooms, we will have achieved that the pupil make good of the foreign idiom and his grammatical rules.

see you on Friday, my best regard
Lesbia Solano

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Dear Teacher Aleyda and classmates:

Since the net has shown up in our lives, we have seen how it became a valuable tool to teach and learn a language, for teachers we have available several pages with lessons, exercises and quizzes to use as teaching resources, so we can adapt them according to our needs.

But also, the students have the opportunity use those web site destined to stimulate their thinking skills in activities that can help them to deduce grammar rules.

At the same time we need to be careful because there so much information that we can lost our time on not well structured and unuseful web sites, so the importance to know very well those web sites that provides a very effective material to practice English. For example I like www.englishpage.com because they present grammar rules in a simple but comprehensible way.

I am agree when Caroline Ho  Mei Lin says that “as language teachers , we have must to consider how to expand our students’ space and give them another opportunities of learning, through the technology aimed to improve their communicative skills.

Thank you,


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Miss Aleyda and classmates

When you learn any language that you have to develop it with different skills like speaking, reading, vocabulary, listening or writing. How we develop it by practice.

Teachers have to use different techniques and strategies to develop those skills , but the most important thing is that the student likes the language.

Depending the strategies , we know that it is effective when you apply the language in your daily activities.


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Miss Aleyda and Classmates

Yesterday, we learned a lot of things which helped us in our class. Sometimes we must research before we have taught a class because we have made a lot of mistakes and students have learned them. Any grammar point has been difficult to explain but when we have practice it that is going to do well.


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